Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Change is good

It's refreshing. The pub I worked at in Clapham has a new manager... my flat-mate Chris. Chris, who was head chef at the pub less than a week ago, left the food for scottish dude to cook and upgraded as new manager. Nina, the old manager was, as they say here, "made redundant" or fired. She brought too much of her personal problems into the pub. She did too much drugs. Funny thing, as much as I should naturally want to see her leave, I feel really bad for her. Nina treated me like shit at times. I often felt patronized when she spoke to me for some reason. I'm not sure what I did to make her dislike me or have her treat me the way she did. Nonetheless, I still feel shit that she's gone. I feel like Chris, Scottish dude, Jeanie and I are burglers. We've robbed her the only thing she knew for 2 years. That pub was her home. She lived upstairs for two years, worked there for two years, was manager for who knows how long! She decided it would be a good idea to move out, but it seems like since she's moved out, we all moved in and taken over. She must feel like she's lost a piece of her. Then again, I think it's for the best, for all of us. She needs to sort out herself and try something new. She got dumped and needs to find a better boyfriend.

As for me, London one of the most beautiful cities in the summer. With all it's clouds and rain throughout the winter, as soon as the sun shined and the temperatures rose, so did people's spirits. People are in good moods. People want to be outside. Its beautiful. 
I've found a new love for good coffee and lattes. I love random cafe shops and charity shops. How unique each one is, the people inside, the things you discover, I love it. 

As much as I love media, I have spent less and less time infront of the television. To be honest,  I really hope America can one day see the newspaper industry rise again to what it once was. Everyone reads the paper here! It's interesting to watch the morning papers being fliped and turned sideways inorder for people to fit on the tube in the morning and evening rush hours. 

I love sitting on my own and writing, I love reading.  I love random chats with random people at pubs. As grey as they make this city out to be, what a social group of people we are. People go to pubs every night of the week, just to chat, to learn, to listen. It's amazing. And now that the sun is shinning and the air is warm, what I love the most is the sight of working men and women in their suits and ties and heels and shoes, sitting on the curb at the end of the day with a pint of beer or a glass or wine. It's awesome. People crowd the streets outside of pubs to drink and enjoy the weather. I'll miss this city when I leave. 

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