What looks like a crazy day in London, really didn't affect me much. Actually, it didn't affect me at all. Al was late to work because of the protests, but other than that, I don't think the media could have hyped people up any more than they already had. Half the videos they showed on television showed protesters surrounded by tons and tons of cameras, not small little sony digital cameras, I mean, like a Cannon Rebel DX something or another. People with Nikons were rockin front row seats at the protests today. Guess how many reporters were injured? A lot more than normal civilians! Which brings me to the conclusion that a number of the riot bralls could have been avoided if the damn press STFU for once. In 1990, a protest in Trafalgar Square took place against Margaret Thatcher's taxing practices, and that was absolute insanity: POLL TAX RIOT
But THIS SUMMIT RIOT was nothing like the one 19 years ago...
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