It must be a New York thing. Are we that angry of a people? I love it. It's gotten so bad I've been tempted to strategically camp out on a busy city corner waiting for something to happen.
Car fights! I love them! Not so much in NYC, those can get pretty ugly. But there's something about watching an angry British driver turn to the bike rider that almost caused a five car accident after swerving into the wrong lane to say, "Excuse me, but did you realize you almost hit me." Talk about anger management control. I can't even think back to the last time I spoke that politely to a person I wasn't mad at! Is there really a need to excuse yourself when your heart isn't there. Why lie to themselves? Save your breath London drivers and start speaking without thinking. No need to be polite, you don't like them anyway. The city is big enough, you probably won't run into them anyway... especially considering they ran into you first... (hahah.. I made a funny.) Maybe we should all just drive singing Bet Midler.
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