Saturday, February 21, 2009

I get weekends off

So I started a new job.. it's only gona last for 5 weeks. Then I need to pack up and find something new. My new appreciation: stability. I've lived in 3 different places in the past 2 months not including hostels.
Yet, despite my own instability with moving, I've learned to find much more stability with friends and lifestyle. It is damn hard to trust people out here. I'm not sure who to tell things to or how to know who knows what. Everyone is damn too fake friendly here, and the problem is, that since everyone is nice, I can't separate the good from the bad. I use to be a person that trusted first until I lost their trust, but I think I threw all my eggs in one basket and now I can't seem to trust anyone... except you Al. 

Right now, I live with one of the chefs from the pub I use to work at. He's lovely. He's a young handsome 24 year old South African dude who is also married and has a little baby girl. His wife and daughter moved to Australia to start a new life, he leaves to join them in about 2 months. He misses them, I can tell by the hours he spends speaking to his wife and kid on skype every night. I also live with his wife's cousin, another South African. He owns the flat actually. I'm not sure how to describe him without making him sound too stereotypically nerdy, so I won't even try. He's a computer technician who loves movies and IKEA. He never goes out and often talks too much, but he has a good heart and makes the best damn tea.... milk and a small small dosage of sugar... if any. Anywho, it's us three, plus another one of his friend's who is currently having problems with his wife and so usually stays over at the flat Mondays- Wednesdays. 

I've not been home much this week to see my flatmates however, I've been running around London actually enjoying myself for once! Thursday, Jeanie bought us tickets to see a dance performance in central London. I booked out of work early and met up with her to get some yummy cocktails before the show! I fell in love with one of the dancers, Francisco Cruz! Yikes, that dude was cruzin' through my head that night! haha, just kidding, I really just wanted the opporotunity to make stupid joke.. nah, peep this show: SHOW PEEPIN, and MORE SHOW PEEPING!!! 

I now look back and realize how wild this trip as been. I feel like I've been in London for ages and it's only been a little over 2 months. I can finally say I feel emerged within the city and the people. I have no American friends out here beside Al, and even Al, I've not seen really. We are both busy working. I hope that she is getting out a but more now that she is working too. 

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