Sunday, February 22, 2009

Money, drugs, I'm back at College

Like college, I've learned quite a bit about things and situations I've never had to deal with before. It's been an eye opener for me. I didn't realize I was that innocent until a week ago. 
Americans smoke a lot of weed. Yet, despite my own disconnection with the stuff, I don't really see a problem with it. I mean, I've seen tons of my friends smoke it and yeah, the lack of ability to really do much or care to do anything is something that could be a concern but it never really interfered with their duties to work and move and get things done. 
English do a lot of drugs. I mean, I've seen just about everything. No needles, but at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if I did. It was last Sunday, the day before I started my new job. I was looking forward to a good ol' time being that it was my last shift at the pub. I started work at 11a.m. The night before a group of us stayed for drinks and had a good chat with one another. We made yummy cheese and guacamole sandwiches at three in the morning. It was awesome. 
The next morning, I arrived at the pub a bit out of it, but ready to work. I realized I was probably the only one ready to work. Nina came down to work an hour late, Scottish dude followed, both looked like they had bit hit by a bolder. Poor Chris, the other chef who works in the kitchen and currently, my other flatmate had to set up the kitchen all on his own. Scottish dude has been really irresponsible and so has Nina. As manager, Nina has been taking a bit of a piss at me for some odd reason. Scottish dude has stayed over her flat every night. I found out all they do is sniff cocaine and drugs and drink. It's ridiculous how much they do besides also doing each other. Yikes!
Imagine the whole shift, my manager, just taking a piss at me because Scottish dude use to like me and now she's all drugged up and hung over and cranky and complaining to me that the bar is messed up. Dude, I beg to recall last night when we all stayed after till 5 in the morning drinking, of course the pub is going to be messy, maybe you could come downstairs early instead messing around with the chef. It's too much for me. I messed up orders that day, I felt uncomfortable being there. It was a bad day. I needed to just get out. It got worse. 
I had to also work at the other pub that night, the one I lived above. I needed time to just sit down and rest for a bit. I walked in and thought I would just sit down on my couch in the living room for a good head clearing and a bit of tv. I walk in my living room and what do I find, one of my flatmates and two strangers siting in the living room. On the coffee table, lines of white powder... more cocaine. "You want a line" one of them asked. "Na, I'm good." Geeze, I ran into my room and bursted into tears. Drugs were everywhere. The manager and flatmate that runs the pub I lived at sold and bought coke as well and is in heaps of trouble now because he use to take money from the pub to pay for his drugs and the owner came by while he was gone and found out that a lump of money was missing... wonder who took it!?@! 
I know this makes everyone sound really bad, but to be honest, no one has ever asked me to take any drugs, or force me to be around it, or anything of the sort. They are actually really protective over me not to take it and are keen on the fact I don't do anything. So I'm not trying to make it sound bad, but well, until now, I definitely felt like I was back at College. Living in a messy messy flat with two dudes and a girl. We drank everyday. We went to sleep late. Woke up late. Had long and deep conversations. But like college, my flatmates I had to move out because I am taking a 5 week intense course (aka my new job) and my roomies party and drink too much. I kinda liked living at the pub, it was different for me. I learned a lot about English people, but now I've moved on. I have a great new job. (well it's not that great, but I will get into that another day). I live in a nice and cozy and clean flat. I just hope I can keep moving and getting on with things. 

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