It started with a bowl of "Frosties," (the UK's version of Frosted Flakes) which actually went really well for me this morning, Therrrr GGRRREAT! (haha I made a funny) but the spoons in my flat are just so small and frosties are hard to eat when they hardly fit in your spoon, you get my drift?!
Ok ok, this was the least of my issues, but like I said, everything went wrong.
While eating my bowl of frosties, my wonderful memory kicked into gear and it popped into my head, ah geeze, I need to wear a white button down shirt to the interview today... and guess where that white button down was? Ugh, I threw a small load in the washing machine, hoping it wouldn't take too long because I don't have a dryer in my flat, so I was hoping to have time to iron the damn thing dry, which didn't work out as well as you think it would.
I'll blame it on the stress, but you know those pimples you get, but don't come for days, so your like dreading the appearance of it because you know it's coming and you know it's going to be a painful one and you know you won't be able to hide it. Yea, thats the pimple I had (and may still have coming) on my nose. I thought it would be a smart idea to smother the stuff with a pimple cleanser to just really make sure that sucker didn't show up. Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning to take the cream off my nose, the top layer of my skin came off with it. OUUCHHIIII

So, okay, please envision me, with a huge red and painful patch of missing skin on my nose and a half wet button down shirt running down the streets of London leaving myself 20 minutes to get to my interview. I get to the station with a minute to get to the hotel (the interview spot- read previous blog about my interview set up) so I decide to get a cab to save myself a couple of minutes of walking time. Genius me read the location spot wrong, and instead getting dropped off at the Westminster H. Hotel, I was dropped off at the Westminster Hotel! I called my interview dude and I told him, "um I think I'm in the wrong hotel."
I showed up to the correct spot 30 minutes late without my CV (aka resume) which interview dude requested I bring. I was a complete mess and I had to wait to be seen because he was in the middle of another interview, an interview I continuously interrupted with my stupid phone calls about how lost I was.
At this point I felt like a bullfrog with holes in it.
While I waited for my interview, I met the receptionist of the Hotel, a nice timid woman from Romania. She assured my panicked state that the dude was really nice and doesn't really get upset as easily as I would expect. She liked working for him at least.
Overall the interview went amazingly, which I'm still really thrown off about. It was weird, I went in to interview for a waitress position and I ended up speaking to him about a possible receptionist position at the Hotel. The dude owns a hotel and a restaurant and told me I could probably do a trial shift for both! YAYY I have a back up. Plus there may be an opportunity for a live in position, so that might save me some bucks! (A live in position basically implies that you live above or near the place you're working and they pay you a bit less, but all utilities are included!)
Any who... I guess not everything went wrong, but I was surprised my outcome came out as good as it did. I will await a call from about further details about work as I go grab a NANDO's lunch with Al and my plumber. HAHA who gets lunch with their plumber?! He's like Al and my best friend here... he brought me Mc Donald's earlier!!! (And I don't think i'll ever be as excited about getting Mc Donald's ever again.)
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