I got a stupid ticket yesterday for waking up 8 minutes late and not moving my car in time for street cleaning.
I woke that morning with my head springing off my pillow like a teenager waking up and remembering that 10-page paper was due today. A nice morning sprint down six flights of stairs with my sneakers untied and my sweat pants falling off my butt… I tried to at least casually walk outside my building pretending my car, parked right in front of my building with a big fat orange parking ticket on my car window, wasn’t mine.
Good morning to you too.
Funny, my car should belong to someone else by now. I have a week to sell it and pay off a 45-dollar parking ticket from some cop named SC. I hope he or she steps in poop.
Maybe I’ll sell the car for 2,045 dollars instead of 2,000.
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