Monday, December 29, 2008

I need to find a Dog Park...

It’s funny… no matter how bad your day is going or how low your moral is, it doesn’t matter if your in America or somewhere international, someone always finds a way to get you at your lowest moment… and make it worse. Those damn high school wankers…

I was already having a rough day. I printed out 18 copies of my resume to hand out to bars and restaurants around Camden Town today looking for work. Sadly, no one was hiring. No one! Forget about finding a job working off the books! I hate it. I’m starting to understand, London is not New York. Maybe I just need someone to throw a shoe at me and tell me to go back home. Click and See: shoe reference.

So being that I was already in a bad mood, I decided to walk back to the tube instead of hoping on the bus… that’s when my day got worse. I already knew those boys were going to give me trouble. I just had a gut feeling they were going to bother me. It was about six high school boys hanging out in the middle of the same block I was walking down. I walked by them waiting for them to say something to me. They must have known I knew something was up. They waited until I passed them to throw something at me. Smack, right on my butt. I turned around, looked down on the ground at what looked like a piece of black leather. I looked up and gave them all the evil eye and continued walking. Despite my efforts to walk a bit faster, not even a second passed when I got smacked in the ear with another flying object. This time, it was a studded leather glove.

Now, I’m usually able to keep my cool, but with the accumulation of issues I was already having… you can see why my first move would not be to turn the other cheek and keep walking. It turned out, that’s what I ended up doing, but wow did that take a lot out of me to do! I really wanted to pick up the glove from the floor and find a nearby dog park and have a dog poop on it. Like seriously, did I have a flashing neon sign on me that said, “Pick on me”?

It’s almost a miracle I kept my cool. I thought back at the time I was mugged in Barcelona and realized that these boys were probably trying to distract me so they could gang up on me and run away with my stuff. The area I was walking in wasn’t the safest and it was dark. It was then that I turned around again, picked up my pace and kept walking.

After all that, Al and I agreed I needed a drink. We met up at a pub for a beer and made friends with the three dudes sitting next to us. They also reconfirmed that the boys were probably trying to steal my bag.

Overall, I’m fine! Please don’t get any ideas that I need to carry mace around with me. (It’s not allowed here anyway- No weapons) Nor do I think I would use mace in that situation. I just wanted to punch them. A good friend of mine told me today, “Keep your head up… you’re gonna make it out there… you from the Bronx remember?”

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