Here are some things I noticed:
1. FOOD: Food is much better here! It's not the flavor. It's not the amount you get for your buck. It's the comfort in knowing when you order eggs/buy eggs, you are eating an egg from a chicken... that once lived... on a farm... not on meds... just living the chicken life.
*** I do think that nothing can top an American Burger however! no burger, no matter how hard a burger tried, could top a good ol' greasy diner burger!!
It's kind of like a fat European trying to look better than a fat American. Fat Americans just rock their fatness a lot better... so why bother trying.
2. SEX: It's everywhere!! Not the physical action of sex. (Although I wouldn't be surprised if the crazy amounts of PDA out here turned into a blown out sex frenzy)... This picture is on practically every bus stop in the city!!! Kids cover your eyes!!!

***This sign is my point of reference to where I live...

like I said.. they like their sex here...
3. CULTURE: I'm not sure what it is that makes a person European (besides their passport), but from what I can see, there is a swag here not present in American culture. (Don't get me wrong, No one has a swagger like us Americans!) But, it's like an acknowledgment of culture. I can spot an American from a mile away here. I was sitting at a coffee shop the other day and spotted one: dude walking around with mesh basketball shorts, a hoody, and hair like he just got out of bed. The poor gal with him, who tried so hard to look "European" with her black stockings and flats and peacoat. HAHA, didn't work. Her coat was white and Europeans don't wear white coats... only Italians from Milan.
*** Dude, what's up with Italians (while i'm on the topic) Unlike my homie American boy who didn't give two hoots how he dressed when he left the house, Italians look like they take 8 hours to dress. Sunglasses, big fur hats and shiny puffy jackets... they look like they're ready for a hot chocolate at a ski resort everyday. It's funny because they think they look good.. but I'm thinking not.
ON A RANDOM NOTE: this is how Al and I throw out our rubbish...
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