SOOooo… I can’t punch anyone in the butt yet. Although the training/trial workday went well, my lack of working papers made me unqualified for the position. GRRR! I’m actually not upset that I am unqualified for the position; I’m upset that they had me come in for the shift if they already knew that I couldn’t work!
The night didn’t go that bad, although I was on the verge of tears when I left that place. I made three pounds that night in tips and I found out that they liked me but couldn’t keep me. This is why Sarina, you can’t get your hopes up, because you feel like shit afterwards.
I went home yearning to find a coffee shop where I could down a yummy latte and calm my nerves. Unfortunately, I didn’t find an open coffee shop, so I went home, downed two cups of tea and a pack of cookies and passed out- the reason this blog is posted late. Sorry! I’ll get better. I’m going to blame it on the jetlag.
The good that came out of the experience- I made friends. The waitress I trained with at the bar really liked me and told me she would love to hang out sometime. Her name is Justine. She’s from Australia. She’d only been working at the bar three weeks, yet looked as if she had been working there three years. She was exhausted. She and I shared the same ambitions; she also just finished school and had come to London looking for work in what she studied. Unfortunately for her, the waitressing job had her working so much, she hardly had time for herself or time to look for other daytime work.
Maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t get the job.
I was invited to a party this Sunday. The bar back at the bar, Obi, also took a liking to me, and said he would try and see if any of his friends knew anything about getting a visa. He also said in the meantime, I should come and hang out on Sunday. He’s apparently having a party and Al and I were more than welcome to come. Let’s see how that goes.
So it’s back to square one. (Honestly, where the hell did that cliché come from? Square one? Makes no sense?) Back to the drawing board! (Haha why bother? I hate clichés anyway). Like I said before, it’s probably a good thing I didn’t get this job. They were only going to pay me six pounds 50 pence an hour and with taxes, I probably would have been eating bread and cheese everyday. Besides, this is the point of the challenge! Things aren’t supposed to come this easy. My whole life I’ve somehow been able to wean my way into things. Even playing baseball, I’ve always been able to talk my way onto a team despite the fact that women weren’t allowed to play in the league.
This just makes me more motivated. It’s not even a week since I’ve landed and I’m already panicking. “Tenga paciencia!” (That’s what my mom would tell me.)
I’m happy I finally have sheets and a blanket! Yay to at least a month of warm nights!

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