Sunday, January 4, 2009


I went to Church today to pray about my decision with all this stuff... 
I've had a stressful time deciding on what to do. 
I figured I could think about it better at Church. I was kinda hoping for some type of sign on what to do when the wildest thing happened... the priest started talking about leaving your comfort zone and traveling and exploring and taking chances!! Like, talk about a sign?! I mean, I took the homily completely out of context, the priest was actually referring to the Three Kings traveling to see baby Jesus, but still, I was just so flabbergasted. I was like... OMG I'ma take care of Jesus!

Haha, okay okay, I'm not that special, but it did make me feel better about everything. 
I'm not going to be making a lot of money. I am going to have to give up a bit, but you know what... it's something different and new and that's what I wanted. Plus... my mom said why not! So... the woman is going to call me tomorrow to tell me if she wants me for the position. I'm going to be calling the Embassy for a visa. And Al is going to figure out who moved into the flat... because someone definitely did... and they're supposedly short... real short. Nothing against short people, but hey, when you're short, people are going to notice. 

FYI: The Theme Park Guy never called me back...  

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