Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm happy!

I am Happy. Just simply living and happy. I have no agenda and it's amazing! I have fully engulfed myself- living in Zone 3. Working in Zone 2. Meeting interesting people. Seeing interesting things. Getting interesting phone calls. 

My friend A.D. who works at the pub I live above just lent me some music. He is a professional drummer and lent me all these crazy rock groups... they are good! I'm rocking out as I type! I also asked him for some posters to put up in my room, so he gave me some posters he had lying around, which makes my room quite interesting. Peter already left a stupid mulled wine poster at my door the morning after I threw up from drinking too much wine. YUCK... (I will get into that in a bit... ) So now I have hanging on my walls, A mulled wine poster hanging next to a rock group named AMEN.

Back to me throwing up... No it was nothing like THIS. It was like a cat throwing up a hair ball, like a straight gag outa nowhere and it was all out. I was fine really. I went with Al to get a couple drinks, but to be honest, I am such a light weight out here. People drink so much out here! British, Scottish, Irish, Australian... AYE! they all drink like crazy people... I had two glasses of wine and a big cocktail drink and went to bed about 2 hours later. I really don't remember how long I was asleep for, but I only recall waking up and just puking. I couldn't even hold it in to get to a garbage or toilet or anything. Disgusting... It was like red yuckiness! 

But yeah, like I said, I'm happy!


Frank G. said...

Heyyy I'm glad things are going better for you. Congrats on the job.Sounds like you're going to have a lot of great stories and memories from this : )
Stay Safe

Felix said...

Dude I seen that episode with Dez and it was funny the first time and watching it again its even funnier... We(Dez and I)just love reading your blog. ITS THE BEST.