Saturday, January 24, 2009

No way Jose!

My flatmates are so messy! AHH. See, I'm kinda on the neat side and well, they aren't! 
Peter got wasted the other night, like super wasted. The British word for wasted is pissed, which confuses the hell out of me because I use to think everyone was a really angry drinker.
Yeah, and everything got thrown all over the place and well, it's still all over the place. 
He did buy everyone Krispy Kremes this morning though, so I mean, I guess I can overlook the huge mess in the living room, bathroom and shower. Damn those Krispy Kremes, they're everywhere!

I've become really passive to the British accent these past couple weeks. I honestly don't even notice it and I think it's making me less conscious of my own accent so my New York accent is coming back a lot stronger and everyday this week I've been asked where I'm from.

So wild story but I need to explain this...
I'm a bit of a risk-taker (not sure if you noticed) and in my ridiculous efforts to try and stay in this country, I decided to email some companies I thought would be interested in sponsoring a gal like me. In my research efforts, I stubbled across a certain media company and basically feel in love with them! I had emailed them once before and never heard back from them. So about a month ago, I tried again, but this time, I thought I would try and directly contact the CEO of the company. Unfortunately, his email was not easily accessible to the public, aka me. So, I turned to my stalker practices on good ol' Facebook, and lo and behold, the CEO of the company had a profile. Now, before you jump to conclusions, I want to make it clear that I hesitated to contact him this way, I actually just wanted to see if his email was viewable on his profile; it wasn't. So yes, I sent him a facebook message explaining who I was and that I loved his company. I've been feeling like an idiot for a month now, until just a couple days ago. TELL ME HOW DUDE CONTACTED ME BACK!? I'm still flipping out about the whole thing. I just met with him the other day and he explained that he's trying to branch his company to New York and LA! He's forwarding my resume to the head of his production department, and we shall see where this leads. Honestly, dude made my time here that much better just by answering my message. If nothing else, I made a contact out here, and well, I just feel like anything is possible after he contacted me back. 

I work all day tomorrow... AHH, but I'm still happy! 
(still trying to load cribs london to youtube... don't think I forgot!)

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