Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So far so good

So to now fill people in...

I started working at a pub, a real cute one! They have a lot of regulars (which I like about it most.) 
There's this guy Michael. He's a little crinkled old man. He uses a walker with wheels to get around. He wears the same red wind breaker jacket everyday. His face is red from drinking. He can't hear very well either. 
Michael sits in the same seat everyday with his Guinness. He looks around or watches television, but he comes in so often, it bothers me when someone is sitting in his seat when he arrives. 

I've been opening the door for him when he leaves at night, and the other day he looked at me and said, "hey I don't know you" "Yeah, I'm new here, I'm Sarina" I tried to lean down close enough for him to hear me without struggling. "Oh, well hi. I like to come in here and drink Guinness, thanks for helping me." 

There's also another group of regulars that stand on the left side of the bar and play a game called Shove Ha'penny. About four guys play, two are brothers. They drink Fosters and bring their own peanuts. They are Chelsea fans. I like them a lot.

It's weird being an outsider working at a bar. I don't know all the beers. I can't understand pronunciations. Half the time I just pretend I'm deaf so I can get customers to repeat themselves. Other times I try and trace their eyes to which beer they want and then guess. It will get better. 

I am also doing a live-in position. I will be living above another pub not too far from the one I work at. I'll live with two Australians and one English guy. All young. They seem like good people who like to drink, which I can handle. I'm supposed to move in Saturday. 

Tonight I am going to a Chelsea match. It's against Southend- and I will be going to the away team's stadium. Should be interesting.

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