Friday, January 2, 2009

What a Fella!

Yes there is a reason I haven't mentioned anything about men in my blogs. Oh, I've met a number who are all fun and charming, but I think the cultural differences here make it a bit difficult for me.
Let's take my most recent encounter, an Italian named Francesco. (haha I would meet a Italian dude named Francesco.) He's got the look and the chivalry going for him, but the dude is wayyyyy too forward with women. For example, dude invited me to go out with his friends to a club called Koko later on tonight. I honestly wasn't planning on going out because I have an interview in the afternoon, so I texted him back suggesting we could meet sometime earlier (assuming we would get coffee or something of the sort).

He replies: "If you want I can meet you now...I'll be in my hotel in one hour... do you wanna come with me?"

Wowzers Francesco, take it easy!!! We just met! I hardly know how to spell your name!
I assumed that this was a cultural thing and he wasn't really intending for me to actually go up to his hotel, so I texted him back, "Well, Where is your hotel, I will be heading to Covent Garden in a couple hours, would you like to meet me there?"

Francsco: "My hotel is at _____ on the grey line, if you want I can meet you at the station and we can go in the hotel... it's ok for you?"

HAHAHAHAH WTF?! Aye ve Francesco.. "Oh, no I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to go to meet you to go to your hotel with you. Sorry!"

Yea and that's just Francesco! No, it's been weird for Al and I to go out for drinks. We've made some great guy friends however!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Haha! Come on Sarina everyone knows that Italian boys are a bunch of fresh Rico Suave wanna bes lol. It's just as much in their culture as Pasta, wine ,and Super Mario. Be careful out there hun.