Saturday, January 10, 2009

Baby It's cold outside!

It's been really really cold here in London. Not to take away from all you Americans who are facing negative temperatures and high winds and icy roads. (I honestly don't have it that bad) But it's funny, because London doesn't get very cold, so having temps in the 20's has been an issue for my fellow Londoners.

As far as my updates, I will be bluntly honest, I've been trying to upload my Cribs London video for the past 3 days and it's taking forever to load to youtube... it's half way done... so who knows really what will happen with that?!

Theme Park Guy was very interesting, I don't know how he has so much money, but basically, I was one of his favorite 3 people so I ironically will be tutoring him in English. Apparently, he said "I like your simplify-message, your English and your international background." So on top of me, he is also hiring two other dudes, one British guy and one Australian. It will be interesting.

I have been working on getting some work, but I haven't spoken about it, so i don't jinx anything!!! So bear with me, I will explain it all when it's all said and done...

For now, until cribs loads, enjoy some pictures I loaded of my cute little neighborhood!


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